New Hope-Lambertville Bridge Project Open House Materials Posted on Website; Public Comment Period Ends 4 PM June 30 attend the open house events can now review the materials and other project webpage content. Online comment can be made through the Commission website’s contact portal —– or...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2023-06-16

Reminder! Public Comment Period on Planned Rehabilitation of New Hope-Lambertville Bridge End 4 PM Friday, June 30

...can fill out and submit comment online. The public also may provide comment through the Commission website’s contact portal — or by sending an email to (Note: anonymous...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2023-06-27

New Hope Lambertville Rehabilitation Project Work on Track for January 29 Start

...will begin is expected to be announced during the spring. Stage 1 travel pattern — NJ-Bound detour map — As with any public works project, the [...]

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2024-01-22
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