Construction Inspection Contracts Awarded for Scudder Falls (I-95) Bridge Replacement Project

...Contracts approved by the Commission today, include: Construction Inspections Services for the Main River Bridge to Parson Brinckerhoff, Incorporated of Lawrenceville, NJ for an amount not-to-exceed $7,776,718.32. Under the contract,...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2017-02-27

Scudder Falls Advisory Week of July 30 — Northbound Lane Shift Implementation along PA I-95 Segment Rescheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 2 I-95 northbound will be inaccessible during the overnight closure periods; detour routes posted for affected motorists. (The work along Route 175/Road Road is for underground relocation of utility lines...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2017-07-28

Pennsylvania’s Delaware Canal Towpath Closed in Area of Scudder Falls Toll Bridge for Three Weeks

...once all construction on the Scudder Falls Toll Bridge’s shared-use pedestrian/bicycle facility is completed later this fall. More information on the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project is available at

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2021-09-22
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