Uninterrupted Round-The-Clock Lane Closures Scheduled to End for Northampton Street Bridge (Easton-Phillipsburg ‘Free Bridge’) Project

...center-lane closure will no longer be needed to complete the project. Starting next week, the contractor is expected to complete sidewalk replacement work. The project’s focus would then shift into...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2022-11-03

I-78 Bridges & Approach Slabs Project Lane Closures to be Suspended for Labor Day Holiday Weekend

...Toll Bridge Commission announced today. Intermittent single-lane closures are currently taking place during overnight hours along both the eastbound and westbound directions of the Commission’s 6.5-mile-long I-78 segment in western...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2017-08-30

Commission Establishes New Webpage For Northampton Street Bridge’s Architectural Lighting System

...Street Toll-Supported Bridge, colloquially referred to as Easton-Phillipsburg “free bridge.” The webpage’s address is: https://www.drjtbc.org/bridge-info/northampton-street-bridge-lighting. It contains a basic overview about the lighting system and the bridge, the Commission’s policy...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2023-11-06
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