EASTON, PA – The I-78 Toll Bridge’s two-lane Express E-ZPass facility is scheduled to undergo a series of lane closures starting Thursday night and continuing through the upcoming weekend, the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission announced today.
The travel restrictions will enable a Commission contractor to replace a portion of the highway-speed toll-collection facility’s concrete pavement. The facility is in Williams Township, PA. and handles I-78 westbound traffic that crosses the toll bridge from New Jersey into Pennsylvania.
When the Express E-ZPass lanes are is closed, affected motorists will be directed to keep to the right and use one of the former cash-collection lanes at the adjoining four-lane barrier toll plaza. Since the Commission no longer handles cash toll transactions, backups, and delays – if any – are expected to be minor whenever the two nearby Express E-ZPass lanes are closed.
The upcoming lane closures at the are scheduled as follows:
- 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, to 5 a.m. Friday, March 14 – both I-78 westbound Express E-ZPass lanes will be shut down for concrete saw-cutting work in one lane;
- 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, March 14 – the one Express E-ZPass lane that does not get sawcut will reopen temporarily to handle daytime I-78 westbound traffic;
- 9 p.m. Friday, March 14, to 5 a.m. Monday, March 17 – both I-78 westbound Express E-ZPass lanes will be closed for pouring, leveling, and curing of new concrete slabs.
Motorists are advised to reduce speeds and exercise caution whenever traveling through active work zones. The travel restrictions are subject to change due to weather, emergencies, and other factors.
(Note: At this time, it’s anticipated that a similar set of I-78 westbound travel restrictions will be implemented during the end of next week — March 20-24.)