Current Status
An international engineering firm — HDR Engineering, Inc. — was hired by the Commission in June 2024 to carry out a multi-year review process aimed at determining what future course of action should be taken at nearly 120-year-old, weight restricted, operationally challenged Washington Crossing Toll-Supported Bridge. Work on this information-gathering-driven effort guided by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) began in summer 2024 and is expected to continue into spring 2027.
The Commission has dubbed this fact-based endeavor the Washington Crossing Bridge Alternative Analysis. The undertaking’s goal is to improve mobility and provide a safe and reliable river crossing at the Washington Crossing location. The Commission’s consultant and its subconsultants will perform topographic surveys, environmental studies, archeological and cultural resource investigation, etc. necessary to assessing alternatives that are “technically and economically feasible.” These efforts were projected at the outset to take 30 months to complete, concluding with the identification of a preferred alternative. At key points throughout the process, various outreach events will take place to present information and receive comments and questions from motorists, pedestrians, residents, business owners, and other interested parties.