Under the program, bidders and consultants are encouraged to meet or exceed 25 percent participation targets of IBEs in their respective contracts with the Commission. However, bidders and consultants may comply with the program’s policy aims so long as they make – and document – “good faith efforts” to allow for IBE participations in the their Commission-issued contracts. The Commission will monitor the participation of IBEs in Commission projects and will periodically report on participation and compliance.
Individual files may be downloaded in Word and completed as part of a submission of a bid or proposal.
Profession Services Requirements may be found under the Online Reporting Requirements column.
Construction Services Requirements may be found under the Online Reporting Requirements column.
Online reporting system for Payment Verification and Certified Payroll Reporting.
Program Requirements:
Payment Verification: Prime Consultants must also report their IBE subconsultant(s) payments into Autocene for verification within seven (7) days of receipt of payment from the Commission.
To register for Autocene, please contact Christine Baker at cbaker@drjtbc.org to receive the promotional code.
IBE Performance: All Prime Consultants’ IBE performance will be posted on the Compliance Performance Reports page.
Program Requirements:
Certified Payroll: Prime Contractors and their subcontractors are required to upload their weekly certified payrolls into Autocene.
Payment Verification: Prime Contractors must also report their IBE subcontractor(s) payments into Autocene for verification within seven (7) days of receipt of payment from the Commission.
To register for Autocene, please contact Christine Baker at cbaker@drjtbc.org to receive the promotional code.
IBE Performance: All Prime Contractors’ IBE performance will be posted on the Compliance Performance Reports page.
The Contract Compliance Department monitors ongoing Prime Contractor and Prime Consultant IBE participation towards meeting the Commission’s 25% IBE Program Target.
The Commission now uses Elation Systems for Payment Verification and Certified Payroll Reporting. There are no associated fees. Online training on how to use Elation Systems is available and required. Individuals may access the online training after registering in the system. Learn more about compliance reporting requirements.
Registration/User Login for Elation Systems
Elation Customer Support
Email: Support@elationsystems.com
The following are six (6) certifications acceptable by the Commission. Click on each one to view eligibility requirements.
A business that is a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture or corporation which is at least 51% owned, controlled and operated by one or more persons who are African-American, Latino or Asian-American; and whose management and daily operations are controlled by one or more of the African-Americans, Hispanics or Asian-Americans who own it.
A business that is a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture or corporation which is at least 51% owned, controlled and operated by a woman or women; and whose management and daily operations are controlled by one or more of the women.
A DBE is a small, for-profit business concern that:
New Jersey Small Business Set-Aside Program’s criteria as set forth in N.J.A.C. 17:13 and/or 17:14 are as follows:
An IBE is any duly-certified Identified Business Enterprise (IBE) acceptable to the Commission. Get certified by any of the following agencies:
Register to be listed in the Commission’s IBE Firms Directory as a certified potential subcontractor(s) or subconsultant(s), visible to Prime Contractors and Prime Consultants.
This Directory is made available for Prime Contractors and Prime Consultants to view IBE certified Subcontractor(s) and Subconsultant(s) for potential consideration of subcontracts.
A team of Commission employees monitor participation and assist the contractor/consulting community in compliance and documentation for the Contract Compliance Program.