Uhlerstown-Frenchtown Bridge -- The Uhlerstown-Frenchtown Toll-Supported Bridge's walkway is closed until further notice. A Pennsylvania-bound traffic detour is in effect. Only New Jersey-bound traffic can cross at this time.
Commissioner Komjathy has over 40 years of experience in public service and business. His government-affairs firm – Komjathy & Kean – services a host of Fortune-500 companies and non-profit entities. Mr. Komjathy serves on the N.J. State Board of Mortuary Science and is member of the board of trustees for Capital Healthcare, Inc. He was the long-time chairman of the Lambertville Board of Fire Commissioners. Prior positions include: president of the Hunterdon County Board of Taxation; special assistant to New Jersey’s Commissioner of Corrections, where he oversaw a major prison building project; and legislative assistant to former state Senator Francis J. McManimon of Mercer County. A U.S. Navy veteran and a Trenton State College graduate, Mr. Komjathy and his wife reside in Lambertville, N.J.
Commissioner Laurenti is Senior Associate Director of Donor Relations at Princeton University. Previously, Ms. Laurenti was Director of Development at Isles, Inc., a nonprofit community development and environmental organization based in Trenton, N.J. She also is a former Senior Vice President in private banking at U.S. Trust Company of New York. She has an A.B. in economics from Harvard University. She has served as president of the Harvard Alumni Association and chairs the Harvard Schools Committee for the southern half of New Jersey. A long-time Trenton resident, she has served on the city’s school board and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. She currently serves on the board of the Open Space Institute and as the chair of the Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study.”
Commissioner Ciesla brings private- and public-sector experience to the Commission. Her professional background is in finance/accounting and information technology. She currently works as an Information Technology Business Analyst for the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. She previously worked for Morris Medical Associates and the Howard Savings Bank, both in New Jersey. She served three years on the Lopatcong Township Council, pursuing improved recreational opportunities, economic development, and website and social media enhancements. She has a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from Thomas Edison State University. She and her husband have two children and live in Lopatcong, Warren County.
Commissioner Lavery is a partner in the North Jersey law firm Lavery, Selvaggi, Abromitis & Cohen, P.C. Lavery’s practice is concentrated in local government law, litigation and land-use law. He represents a wide variety of municipalities and government bodies. Lavery served as mayor of Hackettstown from 2005 to 2011. He served on the executive board of the New Jersey League of Municipalities and as a board member for the New Jersey Conference of Mayors. He is currently a member of the Hackettstown Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees and the Centenary College Board of Trustees. He received his B.A. from the University of New Haven and his law degree from Rutgers University. He resides in Hackettstown.
Walter Orcutt
Five members are appointed by the Pennsylvania Governor and serve at his pleasure.
Commissioner Janvey is a former accounting department supervisor at the Bridge Commission, with previous experience in the real estate industry and in-service delivery for at-risk families and residents in Bucks County, PA. Her real estate expertise was as an acquisition specialist and property manager. Janvey also has long filled an important community advocacy role for individuals in need of addiction recovery and persons in abusive and unstable environments. Since 2013, she has served as a board member of the Livengrin Foundation for Addictive Recovery, a Bensalem-based organization that was one of Pennsylvania’s first non-profit treatment centers for drug and alcohol dependency. A Bristol, PA. resident, Janvey attended Bucks County Community College.
Commissioner Grace is a 36-year member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Local 830 of Pennsylvania. He has served as the organization’s Secretary-Treasurer/Business Manager since 2001 and as an executive board director of the 95,000-member Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters since 2005. Grace also serves as: vice president, Philadelphia Chapter AFL-CIO; trustee, Joint Council 53 Health, Welfare, and Pension Fund; trustee, Maritime Port Council; vice president, Brewery & Soft Drink Workers Conference for the IBT; and trustee Joint Council 53 Executive Board. The Philadelphia Irish Society honored Grace as Labor’s Man of the Year in 2004. He and his wife live in Feasterville, Pa.
Commissioner Christy has more than three decades of experience in construction and has served as a Monroe County, PA. commissioner since 2016. He owns OM Christy, Inc. – a Pennsylvania firm that specializes in construction management and consulting on major construction, renovation and maintenance projects with an emphasis on budgeting, contracts and scheduling. Mr. Christy serves as a director and assistant chief for the Shawnee Fire Company and is a member of the Stroud Township Planning Board. He is a certified EMT and outdoor emergency care instructor involved with the Bushkill Emergency Corps and Shawnee Mountain Ski Patrol. A graduate of Gannon University in Erie, Pa, he and his wife have two children and reside in Stroud Township, PA.
Commissioner Young is a business agent and organizer with Teamsters Local 773 in Allentown, PA. She also serves as the local’s communications director. Her involvement with Local 773 began as an office manager and translator in January 2014. Her skills include training and development, project management, and team leading. She served as director of labor relations for the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley from November 2017 to August 2019. Commissioner Young has a bachelor’s degree in human resources leadership from Muhlenberg College in Allentown. She is currently pursuing a master’s in employee relations and human resources from Penn State University.
Commissioner Shahid has experience in accounting, management, and business. He is a founding partner of SUPRA Office Solutions, Inc., a minority-owned national supplier of business, school and janitorial products. He is the company’s Executive Vice President of Sales and Government Affairs. He also oversees the company’s community relations and customer support efforts. He has the same title and supervisory responsibilities with EMSCO Scientific Enterprises, Inc., an affiliate that sells laboratory supplies, equipment and chemicals. A Philadelphia resident, Mr. Shahid earned business law and accounting degrees from Pierce College. He serves on boards for the Philadelphia Housing Authority and various non-profit organizations.