LOWER MAKEFIELD, NJ – A moratorium on construction-related travel restrictions for the Scudder Falls (I-295) Bridge Replacement Project is scheduled to begin 6 a.m. Friday, Aug. 31, and remain in place until noon Tuesday, Sept. 4.
Barring an accident or some other emergency, I-295 (old I-95) will be open with two lanes in each direction through the 4.4-mile project area for the duration of the Labor Day holiday weekend.
The suspension of project-related travel restrictions comes in anticipation of heavier than normal traffic volumes for the upcoming weekend.
Canal towpaths: The towpaths for the Delaware & Raritan Canal in New Jersey and the Delaware Canal in Pennsylvania will be open to the public Saturday, Sunday, and Labor Day.
More information on the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project is available at www.scudderfallsbridge.com.