DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA – The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) this week will hold its final hearings on two proposed limited changes in the current toll structure for the agency’s seven existing toll bridges, including the Portland-Columbia, Delaware Water Gap (I-80) and Milford-Montague (Route 206) toll bridges. One of these proposed adjustments would affect E-ZPass and cash tolls paid by drivers of two-axle vehicles that are less than eight feet high with more than four wheels; the preponderance of these vehicles would be pickup trucks with dual-wheel rear axles, often referred to as “dualies.” The tolls for these vehicles would be reset at $3.25 per-axle, making for a $6.50 toll. (Standard four-wheel pickup trucks would be unaffected by the change.) The other proposed change clarifies what the cash toll rates should be for recreational vehicles with a trailer or vehicle in tow. (See below for more info.) All other rates and vehicle classifications in the Commission’s current toll schedule (which took effect 11 p.m. June 30, 2011) are unaffected by the proposed toll adjustments. The dates, locations and times for this week’s outreach and hearing session are: – Tuesday, August 9 — High Point Golf Club, 342 Shore Dr., Montague, N.J. Toll hearing 6 p.m. Informal availability of Commission personnel to answer questions at 5 p.m. – Thursday, August 11 — East Stroudsburg University Innovation Center, 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg, PA. Toll hearing 6 p.m. Informal availability of Commission personnel to answer questions at 5 p.m. At the two events, the Commission also will accept testimony on a proposed toll schedule for its Scudder Falls (I-95) Replacement Bridge, which links Mercer County, NJ with Bucks County, PA. The current bridge is functionally obsolete and needs to be replaced. To pay for the comprehensive project, the new bridge will become a tolled crossing. All of the toll proposals and the Public Notice are posted on the Commission website.
The proposed adjustments for recreational vehicles with cars or trailers in tow and for two-axle vehicles less than eight-feet high with more than four wheels may be accessed at
The proposed toll schedule for the Scudder Falls Replacement Bridge may be accessed directly at
The comment period on the proposed toll adjustments is scheduled to close on August 29, 2016.