March 11, 2016
REMINDER — SCUDDER FALLS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT OUTREACH SESSION SET FOR TUESDAY EVENING AT WEST TRENTON FIRE CO. IN EWING Event to Include Open House of Updated Project Info Followed by a Public Hearing on Upcoming NJ Right-of-Way Tree Cutting Work and Compensatory Reforestation Plan
Contact: Joe Donnelly (215) 862-7693 or Ethan Vickers (412) 995-0275
EWING, N.J. – The next public outreach session for the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project is scheduled to take place Tuesday evening in Ewing, N.J., consisting of an open house of project information and a hearing on upcoming tree cutting work and reforestation measures along the bridge’s I-95 approach roadway in New Jersey.
The dual events are scheduled to take place March 15 at the West Trenton Volunteer Fire Company Ballroom, 40 W. Upper Ferry Rd., West Trenton, N.J. The open house is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. It will be immediately followed by a public reforestation hearing from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the same location. (Notes: West Trenton is a part of Ewing Township. Official Notice attached.)
The open house will enable members of the public to reacquaint themselves with the project by examining informational display boards, speaking with project representatives, and viewing a continuously running video.
The event will feature 22 different display boards grouped into 8 different subject categories:
– Project Status and Contracts
– Route 29 Interchange
– Updated Bridge Design Renderings
– Construction Staging/Traffic Control
– Environmental Considerations
– Noise Walls
– Taylorsville Road Interchange (Pennsylvania)
– NJ No Net Loss Reforestation Act Compliance
A member of the project design/engineering team will be positioned at each viewing station to provide explanations and answer questions.
A public hearing will follow the open house, allowing for collection of comments on tree clearing work anticipated to begin later this year on the bridge’s New Jersey side and the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission’s reforestation plan to compensate for the loss of those trees. The hearing will consist of a presentation on the New Jersey-oriented reforestation plan followed by a comment period for the public.
The session will be moderated by a hearing officer. Comments will be restricted to the proposed New Jersey tree cutting work and the corresponding reforestation plan. Verbal comments at the forum will be recorded by a court stenographer. Individuals also will have an opportunity to provide verbal testimony privately to a court stenographer. Written testimony also may be submitted. Public comments can continue to be submitted for 60 days after the hearing.
The Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project involves a heavily commuted 4.4-mile portion of the I-95 corridor extending from the Route 332/Yardley-Newtown Road interchange (Exit 49) in Bucks County, PA. and the Bear Tavern Road/Route 579 interchange (Exit 2) in Mercer County, N.J. The congestion-prone highway segment is a choke point for job-commuter traffic between Bucks County, PA. and Central Jersey.
More information about the project is available at A toll-free information/comment line for the project may be reached toll-free at 855-I95-SPAN (855-495-7726).