SEVERE TRAFFIC WARNING: 37-Hour-Long Single-Lane Restriction Scheduled to Begin Tonight On I-295 North in NJ and Scudder Falls Toll Bridge Pennsylvania-Bound

...4-1/2-year-long Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project can reach substantial completion in the middle of next month. More information on the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project is available at  ...

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2021-11-09

Scudder Falls Travel Advisory Week of 7/16 — Off-Peak Single-Lane Travel on PA I-95 & Overnight Ramp Closures in NJ Scheduled

...year and into early 2018, allowing for construction of the upstream span’s superstructure in 2018 and 2019. More information and videos on the bridge replacement project are available at

Result Type: News ReleasePublished on 2017-07-14
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